Phase 1 – Concept and Feasibility
This Phase established the need for the Project by identifying the issues affecting the performance of the existing network and potential feasible solutions. Barry Transportation prepared the Project Phase 1 deliverables in April 2020. The TII confirmed approval to proceed to Phase 2 Options Selection on 20th May 2020.
Phase 2 – Option Selection
The purpose of this phase is to examine alternative options available to meet the needs of the project and to determine a Preferred Option.
Stage 1: Preliminary Options Assessment
The study area for the scheme was established in April 2020.
Stage 1 identified constraints and initial preliminary options within the study area and the options were presented to the Public at Public Consultation 1 from the 21st July 2020 until the 18th August 2020.
Following the first public consultation, the Phase 2 Stage 1 Preliminary Options Assessment was carried out and was completed in December 2020 resulting in a short list of options. The shortlisted options brought forward to Phase 2 Stage 2 were displayed to the public on the project website in January 2021.
Stage 2: Project Appraisal of Options
Phase 2 Stage 2 of the Option Selection Process commenced in January 2021 and the ‘Emerging Preferred Option’ was identified from the short list of options under the 6 criteria of Economy, Environment, Safety, Accessibility and Social Inclusion, Integration, Physical Activity.
The Public Consultation for the Emerging Preferred Option commenced on the 24th June 2021 and continued to the 23rd July 2021.
Stage 3: Selection of a Preferred Option Corridor
Following the Public Consultation for the Emerging Preferred Option, the feedback received was considered by the Project Team leading to the adoption of the Emerging Preferred Option as the ‘Preferred Option’, and be taken forward to form the basis of TII PMG Phase 3 (Design and Environmental Evaluation).
The Public Consultation for the Preferred Option will be carried out from the 17th of October 2022 and will continue until the 18h of November 2022.
Phase 3: Design and Environmental Evaluation
Subject to approvals and funding the purpose of this phase is to develop the design of the Preferred Option selected in Phase 2, including the layout and junction arrangements, and undertake an environmental evaluation of the design to a sufficient level of detail to establish landtake requirements and to progress the project through the statutory process. During this phase, further engagement with landowners and interested parties will be undertaken as part of the ongoing design process.
Phase 4: Statutory Process
(Subject to funding and approvals to proceed).
Following the Design development, all documentation is compiled in Phase 4 and the Environmental Reports and Compulsory Purchase Order Documentation will be published.
Subsequently, an Oral Hearing will be held by An Bord Pleanála. This ensures that the proposed project is developed in accordance with planning, environmental and other relevant legislation. Following the Oral Hearing and subject to receiving a positive decision to proceed with the project, the next phase will involve procuring a contractor for construction.